Attack on an armored van in Germany in January: new arrests

Eight people were arrested in the attack on an armored van in Germany, 10 kilometers from the French border. Nearly twenty people have been arrested in this case, five are already indicted.

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Eight new people were arrested in the case of the armored van attacked in January in Germany, franceinfo learned on Wednesday March 8 from a source close to the investigation. These new arrests are in addition to the ten previous ones.

Already on January 17, five men – including two figures of French organized crime – had been indicted: some only for “criminal association”, others also for “organized gang robbery with a weapon” in this case. Arrested in the Paris region, a few hours after the facts, they were then imprisoned.

Several of them are suspected of having been present at the scene of the attack on a cash transport van in Saarlouis, Germany, 10 kilometers from the French border. During the search, the investigators had found more than 600,000 euros.

Five other people, including a woman, have since been arrested in January and February in the same case.

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