The MoDem deputy for Hauts-de-Seine and president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday March 23, 2024.
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Jean-Louis Bourlanges, MoDem deputy for Hauts-de-Seine and president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday March 23, 2024. Attack near Moscow, negotiations on a cease -the fire in Gaza, rejection of Ceta by the Senate… He answered questions from Agathe Lambret and Jules de Kiss.
Attack in Moscow: “We are not in conflict with the Russian people”
“Even if we have a real conflict over Ukraine with the Russians, we must express very deep solidarity with the victims”reacts Jean-Louis Bourlanges, after the attack which left at least 93 dead in Moscow on Friday evening. “I am very distressed, it is an absolutely abominable collective massacrehe said. We are not in conflict with the Russian people.”
“I think this attack is likely to strengthen Putin’s authority, but I do not at all accuse him of being at the origin of this attack. The Russians will find themselves around their president, which is normal”analyzes the MP.
A claim of opportunity from IS? : It is “very clear that it has no direct connection with the Ukrainian war”, assures Jean-Louis Bourlanges, who recalls that the Americans had warned the Russians. This attack can, according to him, “strengthen Putin’s authority”.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) March 23, 2024
Gaza: “France must make its voice heard”
Jean-Louis Bourlanges “rejoices” of the draft resolution calling for a ceasefire, submitted Friday March 22 by the United States to the UN Security Council. “The Americans are the only ones who have anything resembling a key to the behavior of the Israeli government”assures the president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly.
Despite the veto of Russia and China during the vote, this American proposal constitutes “a difficult effort for President Biden to distance himself from the policies of the Netanyahu government”, believes Jean-Louis Bourlanges. For the MoDem deputy, “France makes its voice heard” on the situation in Gaza, “but the EU as a whole would have to make its voice heard, and there we are not comfortable”he believes.
War between Hamas and Israel: “Netanyahu is playing for time. He hopes that Mr. Trump will be re-elected,” says Jean-Louis Bourlanges. “The EU needs to make its voice heard but we are not ready. We need to bring out a moderate Arab interlocutor.”
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) March 23, 2024
The Ceta is “an absolutely perfect deal”
“I will fight very strongly as a deputy” so that the Ceta free trade treaty with Canada, rejected in the Senate this Thursday, is adopted by the National Assembly, assures Jean-Louis Bourlanges. The communist deputies announced that they wanted to include the text on May 30 on the agenda of the National Assembly.
The MP says to himself “afflicted” of the vote of senators The Republicans, because “LR is still a traditional government party”. However, according to Jean-Louis Bourlanges, Ceta is “in terms of government, an absolutely perfect deal”. “We have an agreement with Canada, a democracy so close to ours, perfectly French-speaking, which has the same social criteria, the same environmental requirements, which has agreed to respect the Paris agreement [sur le climat]”, he insists. He judges that the results of Ceta, applied provisionally since 2017, “is totally positive”.
“The farmers know it, they are winners with this agreement. We really need to put prejudices, bad intentions, resentment in the locker room.”
Jean-Louis Bourlangesat franceinfo
Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Saturday March 23, 2024: