Attack in Brussels: who is Abdesalem L., the alleged attacker?



Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – V. Astruc, T. Maillet, P. Maiger, B. Véran, G. Papin, L. Millancourt, L. Esnault, MC Ide, L. Escoubes, S. Wohlfahrt

France Televisions

Abdesalem L., suspected terrorist, allegedly shot and killed two people in Brussels on Monday October 16. What is his profile? Lighting.

On two videos he himself posted to claim his act, Monday October 16, claims to have targeted Swedes, and claims in Arabic to be a fighter of Daesh. The alleged assailant, aged 45, was a Tunisian national living illegally in Belgium. Vincent Van Quickenbornethe Belgian Minister of Justice, indicates:He It does not appear at this stage of the investigation that the terrorist attack was organized by a large terrorist structure. The lone wolf thesis seems closer to reality.

Known to the police

An order to leave the territory had been issued against him, but nothing was done. A failure that the Prime Minister admits half-heartedly. He was not in an asylum center. He was simply in Brussels. He no longer had a home. In fact, the services were not able to follow him“, declares Alexander Of Croo. Weapons were found in his home. According to the Belgian authorities, Abdesalem L. was known to the police for endangering state security and illegal residence. He was not included in the list of radicalized people.

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