Attack in Brussels: “We no longer have control of our borders”, criticizes Marine Le Pen (RN)


Video duration:
12 mins

France 2

Marine Le Pen, president of the National Rally (RN) group in the National Assembly, was the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Tuesday October 17.

In a Europe already hit by the assassination of Dominique Bernard the Friday October 13 in Arras (Pas-de-Calais)two Swedes were killed in Brussels (Belgium) by an armed man on Monday evening. The individual was “of Tunisian origin” And “stayed illegally” in the country, said Belgian Prime Minister Alexander Of Croo. Reacting to this new terrorist attack in the “4 Truths” on Tuesday, Marine Le Pen declared: “Our intelligence services do their job well. We know precisely the identities of these radicalized foreigners. It is not the services that are bankrupt, it is the policies that do not implement the evictions that should have been implemented years ago.

“We no longer deport people who are human bombs”

“We are in a situation where we no longer have control of our borders, and moreover, we no longer expel people who are human bombs”explained the president of the National Rally group (RN) in the National Assembly. “He We must have the possibility of controlling, when we wish, when we consider it justified, our internal borders, because incontestably, the external borders of the European Union (EU) are not controlled. And even worse, the EU is making the arrival of illegal immigrants worse.” on its territory, she estimated.

Marine Le Pen also affirmed that she will not vote for the immigration bill, because it “is not going to provide additional tools to expel all those who, in our country, represent a danger. Not only terrorists or apprentice terrorists, not only radicalized people, but also those who, foreigners on our territory, have been convicted of crimes, rapes, assassinations..

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