Attack in Brossard in 2015 | Pit bull owner released on harsh conditions

Karim Jean-Gilles, the pit bull master who disfigured a little girl in 2015, can now be released from prison. Still far from being rehabilitated, the 39-year-old man, who is serving a sentence of almost six years, obtained his release under severe conditions.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Delphine Belzile

Delphine Belzile
The Press

The decision rendered on June 30 by the Parole Board of Canada (PBC) confirms the statutory release of Karim Jean-Gilles, who was serving a sentence of 5 years and 9 months in a federal penitentiary. The man was to be released on statutory release in 2021, but he himself refused to leave prison, wishing to be released somewhere other than Winnipeg, where he was incarcerated. His release was therefore revoked.

The law stipulates that federally incarcerated offenders are released on two-thirds of their sentence. Statutory release does not end the sentence. Rather, it is an automatic supervised release allowing offenders to prepare for reintegration into the community. Offenders can be returned to custody if the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) deems them to be a danger to the public.

According to the decision of the PBC, the 39-year-old man, once released, will be subject to important conditions obliging him in particular to cut his ties with people affiliated with anti-authoritarian and anti-government organizations. The CLCC report reveals that Karim Jean-Gilles is a member of the “Freeman of the Land” group, which promotes “extremist” ideologies. The group refuses to submit to the laws of governments, claiming to have never consented to them.

Karim Jean-Gilles projects behaviors of “resistance” and “non-compliance”, indicates the PBC.

His request for parole was refused in 2019 – unlike statutory release, this must be approved by the PBC. The inmate refused to cooperate with the prison authorities, and he opposed the intervention programs offered in prison. Karim Jean-Gilles refused all the help offered to him at the penitentiary, can we read in the decision.

It is provided by this new decision that Karim Jean-Gilles will have to follow a rehabilitation program once officially released. This will allow him to correct his “violent”, “anti-social” and “criminal” behavior, underlines the CLCC.

The Board also requires the inmate to reside in a community facility or community correctional center authorized by CSC. Karim Jean-Gilles will have to return to his residence every evening. Otherwise, the 39-year-old could pose a high risk to society, the Commission raises.

The PBC describes him as an “impulsive” and “hot-tempered” person with a “lack of empathy” and “social conscience”.

Several offenses

Karim Jean-Gilles was found guilty of criminal negligence when his pit bull bit a 7-year-old girl in the face in a Brossard park in 2015. The girl could have died from this attack and will be marked by her injuries for life. , recalls the Commission in its decision.

Karim Jean-Gilles’ criminal history dates back to 2003, according to the report. The 39-year-old man committed several assaults, mainly against peace officers and justice employees. Some of these actions have caused significant bodily harm to the victims.

He is responsible for various offenses including violence, obstruction, intimidation and resistance, can we read in the report. Assault with a weapon is also reported.

The man who associates with the group “Freeman of the Land” will be released soon as the decision has been rendered by the PBC. He will have to stick to the conditions mentioned to ensure his return to the community.

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