Attack in a high school in Arras. Manuel Valls explains the non-expulsion of the attacker’s family in 2014

The former Minister of the Interior, Manuel Valls (2012-2014) gave explanations on why the family of the author of the Islamist attack on October 13 in Arras had not been expelled at the beginning 2014, when family expulsion proceedings were initiated.

This Friday in Arras, Mohammed Mogouchkov, 20, fatally stabbed a teacher and injured three in front of a middle school.

The attacker, of Ingouche origin, had spent several years in Brittany (from 2008 to 2015) with his family before settling in Pas-de-Calais.

While this family was living in Ille-et-Vilaine, the couple and their 5 children were arrested on February 18, 2014 at 6 a.m. by the border police. The 7 Ingush, including young Mohammed, then aged 11 and in fifth grade, were sent directly to the Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande airport near Rennes, where a specially chartered plane was waiting for them. send back to Moscow. Arriving in Paris in the evening, they were released by the authorities. At the time, many local associations and political figures stepped up to the plate.

TO READ : Attack on Arras. The perpetrator of the attack spent 8 years in Brittany

In an interview with our colleagues from Le Télégramme, former Minister of the Interior Manuel Valls (2012-2014) explained why Mohammed Mogouchkov’s family was not expelled at the beginning of 2014.
“I didn’t intervene directly” to cancel the expulsion procedure, said the former socialist minister. Concerning the significant outcry from associations, he added: “They stepped up to the plate with my team. My office then examined the file and considered that this expulsion did not respect the so-called Valls circular. The family had in fact been on French soil for more than five years and the children, including one at a young age, were educated and spoke French.

Manuel Vals also affirmed that the siblings and the couple were not the subject of a particular report and posed no risk of disturbing public order.

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