Attack and defense at the antipodes

CF Montreal presents a beautiful paradox. He has the third-worst offense in MLS with 32 goals scored and the third-worst defensive record with 33 goals against.

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The other paradox is that when you consult the advanced statistics, the team appears advantageously in the category of goals expected by the opponent.

That is to say, it gives few chances to score. And yet, in a match like Monday night in Los Angeles, the Galaxy hit the target on each of its four shots on target.

“We conceded too many goals and it’s annoying,” admitted central back Rudy Camacho. We still have a forward-looking style of play. We are often one against one behind and as soon as we are not in a block and we do not put the necessary pressure in front, it becomes more complicated. »

A consequence

We can therefore deduce that if the team gives up a lot of goals, it is because it scores a lot. Yes, that’s a bit of a simplistic analysis, but it’s still a consequence of the style of play played by the Bleu-blanc-noir.

“It’s clear that if we all stayed behind, maybe we would concede fewer goals, but that’s not what we want and that’s not what the staff wants, “insisted Camacho, who does not want the formation to change style.

“We have fun and when it works and everyone is on the same wavelength, we dominate our opponents.

“We behind, we have to be better than that. It’s annoying because we put in good performances overall. »

Miller is ready

Defender Kamal Miller returned to play as a reserve against Los Angeles. Injured, he had missed the three previous duels.

“It was an injury that didn’t limit me that much, so I could do a lot of things, but I couldn’t function at game speed,” he explained.

Camacho hopes the return of his left-wing partner will stabilize the defensive game even if his presence alone cannot solve everything.

“If Kamal can bring us a defensive solidity that we don’t have at the moment, so much the better. But it is more a collective problem. »

source site-64