Atrophic rhinitis

What is it about ?

Atrophic rhinitis is a chronic condition of the nasal cavities. The lining of the nose becomes thinner and dries out. Sometimes cartilage and bone are also affected. The nose bleeds

and smelly scabs form. This odor indicates an advanced state. Sensory cells die (necrotize), resulting in loss of smell. Consequence: the patients themselves no longer perceive the bad smell.

Atrophic rhinitis can be of unknown origin (primary atrophic rhinitis) or be the consequence of another problem (secondary atrophic rhinitis) such as, for example, chronic infections in the nose or sinus, trauma, surgery on the nose, or long-term treatments such as the use of nasal sprays or radiation therapy.

Where do we meet her?

Atrophic rhinitis occurs mostly in middle-aged people. The disease is five times more common in women than in men.
Atrophic rhinitis has become rare in developed countries, but it is still observed in immigrant populations.

How to recognize it?

Thinning of the nasal mucosa is accompanied by abnormal discharge. Thick secretions and scabs Greenish accumulates in the nasal cavities. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are as follows: stuffy nose, bleeding nose, loss of sense of smell, perceive normal odors as malodorous (cacosmia), and a strong and unpleasant odor perceived by the entourage, but which the person himself does not smell.

How is the diagnosis made?

The doctor will examine the nose (rhinoscopy) and have a sample of fluid from the nose tested in the laboratory to determine which bacteria are causing atrophic rhinitis. He will take blood for a blood test and will refer you to a specialist to organize treatment and follow-up. The specialist may possibly take a piece of nasal mucosa for a more in-depth examination.

What can you do ?

Treatment consists of nose washes, moisturizing drops, sprays and adequate humidification of the bedroom. It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions carefully.

What can your doctor do?

There is no scientific evidence that one treatment is better than another. This is why the choice of treatment is made on a case-by-case basis, depending on the effect. The main objectives are to moisten the mucous membranes of the nose, soften and remove scabs. It is possible to rinse the nasal cavities with saline solution using a nasal irrigation bottle. In addition, the doctor may prescribe hydrating nasal sprays, oil sprays or drops, and he will advise you to humidify the air in the bedroom.

The doctor will also prescribe antibiotics based on the lab results.

It is necessary to see a doctor for nose washings and scab removal several times a year, depending on the symptoms and the need for treatment.


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Atrophic rhinitis and ozene’ (2000), updated on 11.05.2016 and adapted to the Belgian context on 28.12.2019 – ebpracticenet