ATP “welcomes” decision to release Novak Djokovic after five days in detention center

After Novak Djokovic on Monday January 10, it’s ATP’s turn to speak. The association which governs professional men’s tennis reacted, in a statement published on Monday evening, to the case which saw the Serbian world number 1 being detained several days in Melbourne before the start of the Australian Open (17 January-January 30, 2022), before his release on Monday. And ATP has decided to side with Novak Djokovic.

While traveling to Melbourne, it is evident that Novak Djokovic believed he had received a valid medical exemption to comply with the rules for entering the territory.“, writes the ATP in its press release before deploring”regrettable events on all fronts, including for the well-being of Novak Djokovic and his preparation for the Australian Open“.

Not affected by the request for medical exemption made by Djokovic, the ATP attended as a spectator the fight between the organizers of the tournament and the Australian government, which took a stand against the entry of the Serbian into the territory, while Melbourne has suffered the longest confinement in the world, with 262 days cumulative.

The ATP therefore waited for the supposed end of the affair to take a stand, and “is delighted with Monday’s decision“. The association did not fail to recall that it was also positioning itself in favor of”vaccination for all players on the circuit “, while welcoming the fact that “97% of the top 100 players are vaccinated“.

Djokovic, he is not vaccinated and, despite a positive Covid-19 test on December 16, did not respect the barrier gestures during several events. An episode that is not mentioned in the ATP press release. After his release on Monday, the Serbian will still have to wait before knowing for sure whether he will be able to participate in the Australian Open, which he has already won nine times.

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