atomized by Internet users, a famous tribe exhausted by filming slams the door!

Since 2019, the show Large families, life in XXL makes the good times of TF1. On screen, the hectic daily life of countless tribes fascinates viewers to the highest degree. Certain clans have also become emblematic, such as that of Florie Galli. As a reminder, the young woman is the happy mother of five children. On the Web, the main interested party shares everything with her followers. But the past few weeks have not been easy for her.

Indeed, the star of the show has chained health concerns. In good and bad times, Florie Galli can happily count on her community. However, his haters are never far away. Having become a public figure, all her actions are constantly scrutinized. At the same time, the mother of the family and her husband Bastien also chained the shootings without batting an eyelid. Exhausted, the couple decided to take a break!

It was on Instagram that Internet users learned the news: “It’s time for us to take a TV break. I can’t tell you definitively that we will never come back, because you should never say never but for the moment it’s stop. I am happy to have told you the truth about our family life during these last 2 seasons and I am happy to be able to continue to do so here […] », informed Florie Galli.

“Badly raised pigs…”

The opportunity for her to highlight some of the issues that impact them: “I don’t hide from you that the famous networks that we know well have something to do with it. Indeed, filming remains stressful due to its pace, but the teams have always been kind, and when I see myself and listen to myself (once in two I have a broken voice or am very surrounded) I find myself exhausted and I don’t don’t like it” regretted the pretty redhead. Now, the ex-lawyer wants to relax away from the spotlight.

“This fatigue is physical and psychological because I want to deliver the truth but I know very well (and I even think about it during filming) that the monstrosities will follow one another and all that for really not much most of the time… a lollipop, a somewhat chaotic meal… the TV and there bam my children are ‘poorly behaved pigs’, I’m ‘lax’ and so on. in short anything… yes yes anything I repeat my words […] “. At the end of her publication, Florie Galli addressed tender words to her most fervent admirers: “I am also happy that you appreciated for the vast majority and I thank you for your presence and your kindness, we will meet between us from now on HERE”.


to see also: Nabilla lied to TF1 … And M6 does not fail to point this out!

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