Atomized and ridiculed once again by Eddy Mitchell, Laeticia Hallyday responds in a … very particular way!

Already last September, Eddy Mitchell criticized the tribute concert to Johnny Hallyday which took place at the AccorHotel Arena. Concert organized by his widow, Laeticia.

The singer had mentioned a “stupid statue” before explaining that he had not participated in the event, considering all of this as “bullshit.”

The 79-year-old, who has been one of Johnny’s closest friends, put it on in Seven to Eight this Sunday, November 21. He did in fact let it be known that he had none “nothing to give a fuck” initiatives of Laeticia Hallyday, which he even finds “quite morbid”.

“It does not interest me absolutely (…) They do what they want. Soon they will put it with a feather in the ass hanging anywhere … I do not care”, he continued.

For her part, Laeticia Hallyday responded to her in her own way via her social networks. The Laeticia method is, as we have noticed since the disappearance of Le Taulier, to show that it is not affected. And that’s what she did by explaining in an Instagram story that she felt “blessed” in his life in Los Angeles, USA.

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