athletes’ village, popular enthusiasm, media… How the Olympic Games entered a new era

After the very confidential Olympic events of 1900, Paris once again hosted the Games in 1924. An eighth Olympiad of the modern era that was both sporting, artistic… and popular.

In the Colombes gallery, crowned heads and heads of government made the trip. The Futor Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie, the Prince of Wales, the Shah of Persia, and even the Pope… On July 5, 1924, they attend the parade of the delegations.

Flags, the athletes’ oath, the release of pigeons… Then comes the solemn moment of the inauguration. French President Gaston Doumergue pronounces the following sentence: “I proclaim the opening of the Paris Olympic Games, celebrating the eighth Olympiad of the modern era.

If the world is at the rendezvous in the Colombes stadium, it is also the case in the streets of the capital. And even the Americans are on board: in ten days, 5,600 tourists landed for the event in Cherbourg and Le Havre. The Paris Games mark a stage in the history of the Olympic movement.

In 1924, the Olympic Games will continue their long ascent towards the planetary era that we know today (…) It is a real plateau that has been crossed“, explain Julien Faraut, in charge of film collections at the National Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance (Insep). In his documentary “Paris Jeux t’aime”, the author looks back day after day on the 1924 Games: from the beginnings, to the ceremonial, through the events contested by athletes from 45 countries.

video duration: 00h00mn31s

The 1924 Paris Olympic Games had a worldwide echo. Spectators came from all over the world, especially from the United States, to attend.

©“Paris Jeux loves you”, by Julien Faraut (Insep, 2005)

If Russia and Germany are among the absentees, some states send a significant number of athletes: “450“for the United States…knowing that it is necessary”several weeks to cross the Atlantic by boat“. Among the new nations, Uruguay and Poland will participate for the first time in the Games in 1924.

One of the athletes of these Games has also caught the attention of the documentary filmmaker. It is the French Pierre Lewden, 1 meter 67, office worker for a Parisian press agency. “In the morning, he goes to work on the Place de la Bourse. In the afternoon, he leaves for the Colombes stadium… To participate in the final of thehigh jump event.The amateur athlete manages to win a bronze medal, passing the 96 meter bar.

But these Games are not just about sporting performance. “From 1908 until 1948, in London, five artistic events were included in the official program of the Olympic Games“, continues Julien Faraut. “At that time, there were Olympic champions in literature, painting, sculpture, architecture and music.

To award the prizes, the juries are made up of prestigious personalities from the artistic world: “Bourdel and Maillol in sculpture“; “Honegger and Stravinsky in music“; “Paul Valéry and Paul Claudel for literature“.

The works are exhibited during an artistic week, while the athletes compete in polo, saber, or during athletics events. To watch over these Games, no Olympic flame. This will appear four years later, during the Amsterdam Games (1928). And it was in 1936 that Nazi Germany established a ceremonial, which will not be abandoned: that of the torch relay, from Olympia.

video duration: 00h00mn35s

The Free Commune of Montmartre reenacted the Ancient Games, on the sidelines of the 1924 Olympic Games, at the Paris University Club stadium.

©Gaumont, July 4, 1924

World Games, far from the indifference of origins. This is undoubtedly what characterizes these Games of 1924. Because in 1900, the Olympic events were integrated into the program of the Universal Exhibition.

24 years later, the Games are changing dimensions. A first Olympic village was created in Colombes, to house the athletes. Means of communication are implemented to relay certain events.

“Microphones and loudspeakers in the stadium, the TSF, a first local broadcast radio…”

Julien Faraut, in charge of film collections at Insep

“Rue des Archives” – June 23, 2023

Another revolution, sporty this time. In 1924, athletics was not yet available for women. But that year turned out to be decisive for fencing: women’s foil made its appearance.

📲 “Rue des Archives”, it’s every Friday, at 11:50 a.m., on France 3 Paris Île-de-France. Find the full issue #32 dedicated to the Paris 1924 Olympic Games.

video duration: 00h06mn17s

“After the very confidential Olympic events of 1900, Paris once again hosted the Games in 1924. Public enthusiasm, global reach of the event, novelties… What did this eighth Olympiad look like in the capital? In the stadiums and in the the city, we will see that these 1924 Olympic Games were both sporting… and artistic. With Julien Faraut, in charge of film collections at Insep”

©France 3 Paris Ile-de-France

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