Atal preserved for the last friendly match of the summer against Torino

A week before the resumption of Ligue 1 in Toulouse, the Aiglons have a last opportunity this Saturday to refine their automatic mechanisms against Torino (5 p.m.). Even if there will only be one new face compared to last season. Arrived from Rapid Bucharest a few days ago and lined up against Roma (1-1) last Saturday, Rares Ilie is a good reason to come to the Allianz Rivieraa lawn he is going to walk on for the first time.

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Delort back

Touched during the preparation and replaced by Billal Brahimi at the forefront of the attack, Andy Delort is back in the group. Unlike Youcef Atal. Operated on the shoulder at the end of last season, the Algerian side is still preserved. After two draws and two defeats, the Gym hopes to clinch its first victory of the summer.

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