At the Zingaro Theatre, Bartabas stages a new show on the roads of Ireland



Article written by

M. Collet, J.-L. Serra, G. Bezou, S. Lacombe – France 3

France Televisions

Bartabas is staging a new show at the Zingaro equestrian theater in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis). Entitled “Cabaret of Exile”, it is an ode to Ireland, its culture and its nomadic people.

Acrobats who spin around horses in majesty. Welcome to the singular and festive universe of Bartabas. Three hours before the show, backstage at the Zingaro equestrian theatre, the 23 horses are pampered like artists. “This are totally stars, without horses in Zingaro there is no show. We pamper them as best we can.”explains an employee of the theater. Naughties who are entitled to luxury care, such as a solarium.

While the horses train, the riders also work rigorously. “A form, an outfit on horseback, an outfit on stage, a tone. Stretching, relaxation, paying attention to our body which is our working tool”, relate Theo miller and Fanny Nevoretriders.

The new show titled “Cabaret of Exile” is a tribute to Irish culture and the nomadic people. For 38 years, the company based in Seine-Saint-Denis has attracted 65,000 visitors each year.

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