at the UN, Emmanuel Macron denounces a “return to the age of imperialism”

“Let us not resign ourselves to the fracture of the world”, launched Emmanuel Macron at the rostrum of the United Nations General Assembly, Tuesday September 20, by urging world leaders to reject “the new order” of division that Russia seeks to impose “imperialist” with the war in Ukraine.

In a sometimes fiery plea that contrasted with the calm tone of speeches to the United Nations General Assembly, the French president called for the invention of “new cooperation” to meet the challenges facing the world, from conflicts to climate change and pandemics.

“The situation of our planet increases our demands”he said, wishing “a collective outburst” for “build a new contract between north and south”. This imperative is made all the more urgent by the war in Ukraine initiated by Russia and its President Vladimir Putin. “We all have a role in ending it because we are all paying the price”he said.

“What we have been witnessing since February 24 is a return to the age of imperialisms and colonies”, Hammered Emmanuel Macron. Gold “Who is hegemonic today if not Russia?”.

The Head of State thus sought to dismantle the idea that the war in Ukraine is a regional conflict resulting from the opposition between Westerners and Russia and, beyond that, the rest of the world. As a result, many capitals, in Africa, Asia or the Middle East, refuse to condemn Moscow.

“Contemporary imperialism is not European or Western and takes the form of territorial invasion backed by globalized hybrid warfare that uses the price of energy, food security, nuclear safety, access to information and population movements as weapons of division and destruction”denounced Emmanuel Macron.

Faced with this, the countries “who are silent today serve in spite of themselves, or secretly, with a certain complicity, the cause of a new imperialism, of a contemporary cynicism which disintegrates our international order without which peace is not possible”according to him.

In the longer term, Emmanuel Macron warns that this “attempt to partition the world (…) increases the tension between the United States and China”particularly in the Indo-Pacific zone, one of France’s strategic priorities.

In recent months, the French president has regularly scolded the countries that have remained neutral, in particular during a visit to Cameroon in July where he denounced the silence in the face of the “hybrid presence” of Russia in Africa, particularly in Mali.

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