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Two dogs have been attending the Millas accident trial, which has been held in Marseille, in the Bouches-du-Rhône, since Monday, September 19. They are there to comfort the victims and the driver implicated in the fatal collision between a school bus and a TER.
In the courtroom of the trial of the Millas accident (Pyrénées-Orientales), which has been held in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) since Monday, September 19, two dogs are present to support the victims and the driver put in cause in the fatal collision between a school bus and a TER. Rancho, a two-year-old Labrador, is with the bus driver. On the other side, in the victim’s bench, Outchia Golden Retriever.
The role of these legal assistance dogs is to comfort and help participants express themselves. “Going to see the dog and petting it freed my mind, and it allowed me to think about something else”explains Sylvain sedefather of a victim. Both dogs were selected for their empathy and then trained for six months. The concept comes from the United States, where dogs comfort children during hearings.