at the Nancy opera house, shows are reserved for babies



Article written by

France 3 Lorraine, G. Boileau, E.Molodtzoff, E.Legoff – France 3

France Televisions

All cultural places are constantly trying to renew their audience. At Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), the opera of Lorraine went further, by organizing “cradle operas” for children from six months to three year.

It is a new audience totally different from the traditional spectators of opera houses. In Nancy, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, they are between six months and three years old. To fully appreciate the opera, the young spectators are seated on high seats, which can swivel, so as not to miss anything. “She could look in all places of the room with her swivel chair, it was really very nice”, indicates a mother.

To interest the spectators, the musicians and performers change places and slip between the rows, closer to the children. The public is attentive, for the greatest happiness, of Yannick Herpin, clarinetist: “We were very surprised at their calm. There is a lot of attention from the little ones, it was very pleasant “. The greatest opera classics are played. Two performances take place each month at the Opéra de Lorraine, until April 2022.


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