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In France, more than 4,300 hospital beds were closed in 2021, according to a study by the Ministry of Health. In Seine-Saint-Denis, hospital staff denounced their working conditions in music for describe their physical and moral exhaustion.
“This is not a fiction. Against a backdrop of budgetary rigour, it’s a race against time. Rationalize, privatize.” This refrain, the caregivers of the public hospital Andre Gregoire from Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) know it by heart. So, making a clip was one more opportunity for them to denounce their working conditions.
“These are long treatments. You have to give them food, when they can’t swallow properly, you have to be careful. You are asked to make a person eat in two minutes. It’s inhuman”berates Tassadit Hadjamar, dental assistant at André Grégoire Hospital. In the service of Judith Lindor, an operating theater nurse, six positions are vacant out of the 16 needed. “It’s all the caregivers who are crying out, even through resignations or through departures from the hospital. It’s a cry of alarm to say: ‘Stop, we can’t anymore'”testifies Judith Lindor, who denounces “a system that has lasted a long time [leur] motivation, [leur] dedication”. Erasure of the debt, increase in the workforce … With this clip, the caregivers hope to save their public hospital.