The anti-globalization activist and former environmentalist MEP reacted on Monday to the angry movement of farmers.
Reading time: 7 min

It’s necessary “very strong transformations emanating from Brussels but also at the national level. At the moment, the crisis is first and foremost a problem of income”, estimates Monday January 22 on franceinfo José Bové. The former environmentalist MEP, anti-globalization activist, reacts to the mobilization of farmers against financial charges and environmental standards considered too heavy and against the “agribashing”the stigmatization of which they consider themselves victims.
According to José Bové, “the prices paid to producers do not follow production costs. That’s a real problem, France and the European Union have put themselves into a corner by accepting the WTO agreements and alignment with the world prices. As there is no price support based on production costs, we have farmers who are exhausted and the aid absolutely does not compensate for these incomes.deplores the former environmentalist MEP.
For an overhaul of European agricultural policy
For José Bové, “we need a radical change in the common agricultural policy” And “from the moment income is guaranteed, we can raise the debate on agriculture which contributes to the fight against global warming”.
Farmers are calling for tax exemption for non-road diesel to be maintained, “there has always been a tax reduction for agricultural diesel as for fishingrecalls José Bové, These are elements that are obvious because when you drive your tractor it is not to go on vacation. That professionals in fishing or agriculture have this tax exemption seems fair to me. Currently, there is no alternative.”
Finally, José Bové believes that he “we must have a real European organization of agriculture and not place ourselves within national policies where Europe is the scapegoat“.