The Older Women’s Network association financed the purchase and sending of a solidarity package from Australia thanks to a call for donations. She salutes the courage shown by Gisèle Pelicot during the trial.
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The Mazan trial, due to the enormity of the crimes accused of the accused and the abuse suffered by Gisèle Pelicot, arouses the interest of the whole world. Including in Australia, where the courage of Gisèle Pelicot, who chose to make public this trial, which we can easily imagine is nevertheless extremely difficult to live with, arouses immense admiration. So, an association of elderly women decided to join together to send her a gift.
The town of Mazan may have been 17,000 km from Sydney when Yumi Lee, president of the Older Women’s Network, an Australian association for the defense of older women, heard about Mazan’s affair. The network immediately felt solidarity with Gisèle Pelicot, and even saw in her a “champion of their cause“: the protection of women against sexual violence.
“When we saw that Gisèle had made the choice to renounce her anonymity and expose these absolutely atrocious crimes to light, we said to ourselves: ‘Wow, she’s a champion’”, says the president.
A “champion” which, according to these women, deserves a reward. This is why they have launched a call for donations intended to finance the purchase and sending, to France, of a solidarity pack, which will notably contain a silk scarf made by Aboriginal artists.
A modest, but very concrete testimony to the solidarity of these women who live on the other side of the planet, according to Yumi Lee. “We want, by wearing this scarf, that she feels around her neck the love we have for her and the expression of our solidarity,” she adds.
The call for donations is now closed, the gift from these Australian women will leave Sydney within a few days, and as they do not have Gisèle Pelicot’s address, it is to one of her lawyers that it is sent. will be sent.