At the heart of the debates on pension reform, the RN calls for “supporting a pro-natalist policy”

The president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, believes that it is necessary to “support a pro-natalist policy” to make the pay-as-you-go pension system viable in the long term.

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“In a system where those who work pay the retirement of those who no longer work, we must reindustrialize the country and we must above all support a pro-natalist policy”, estimates the president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, invited this Wednesday on France Inter. According to him, the debate around the pension reform must above all be “a demographic debate”, on the long-term viability of the pay-as-you-go system. “The real subject is that France has never been so populated but we have never had so few children in our society”deplores the MEP.

Considering that “Today’s children are tomorrow’s contributors”Jordan Bardella “prefers to support a pro-natalist policy instead of resorting to immigration as Germany does”. The president of the National Rally calls for “to establish real national solidarity”to know “reserve the French social system and in particular family allowances for French families”. It is necessary, he says, “to loosen the financial noose on families who would like to have children but who are worried about the difficult end of the month”.

“If we do not create favorable conditions for the birth rate in our country, other civilizations will do it in our place”, continues Jordan Bardella, citing the growing birth rate in Asia and Africa. And to add: “If we don’t support pronatalist policies, which aim to encourage the birthrate for those who want it, we will disappear”. For the president of the RN, “Immigration is not just an economic variable, it is also a variable that can profoundly change culture” from France, “our language, our customs”.

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