at the heart of a school that fights against child malnutrition



Article written by

B. Mousset, L. Houel, M. Kassou, AFP images – franceinfo

France Televisions

With inflation affecting Cambodia, the poorest have almost nothing to eat. Several associations campaign for learning agriculture at school, in order to teach children to grow their own vegetables from an early age.

The children’s hospital in Siem Reap, Cambodia, receives dozens of infants in distress, who suffer from malnutrition. In the country, poor families have no choice but to dilute infant formula with water. In a primary school in Siem Reap, teachers are looking for solutions.

Every morning, before class, schoolchildren in uniform are offered breakfast. Based on rice, fish soup and vegetables, it is hearty and free. In Cambodia, parents often have neither the means nor the time to prepare a meal for them. The school principal also relies heavily on the vegetable gardens, which now replace the playground. An educational vegetable garden to try to lead them towards healthier food.

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