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Overcrowded emergencies, general practitioners full or on vacation, SOS Médecins operates every day of the year, at any time and is gradually becoming part of the health habits of the French. Report in Lyon (Rhône).
Alexandre Caillon has been working as a general practitioner with SOS Médecins in Lyon (Rhône) for eight years. Despite the fact that the metropolis empties out in August, activity remains strong, especially in the evening. “We have a peak of activity until 1 a.m. and always continuous activity 24 hours a day”, he says. His job is also to reassure in the evening when anxieties recede and the medical practices are closed for the holidays.
In Lyon, there are five doctors filming at night in the capital of Gaul. Some 400 acts per day are carried out. “It’s a general medicine that I like, very varied”, admits Alexandre Caillon who chose this specificity of the Emergencies on a home visit. In the evening, he had to deal with a suspicion of phlebitis in a man whose general practitioner was on vacation, a child’s stomach ache and possible intoxication in a home for young migrant workers.