at the head of a juicy new business, Vianney makes an announcement on Instagram

If Vianney’s career is currently at the top, the singer has nevertheless decided to diversify his sources of income and launched, in June 2021, into entrepreneurship! With his mother, the 31-year-old father has indeed launched a brand of clothing and accessories called “Vrai par Vianney”. On the menu: colorful t-shirts, hoodies and original shoes.

A consecration for the artist who, before flourishing in music, attended a fashion school: “Vianney learned sewing and designing clothes at ESMOD Paris before releasing his first songs. With Vrai by Vianney, he realizes a childhood dream: to create pieces of daily life for girls and boys of all ages, in the colors of his universe.This project is a family story, where Vianney draws, adjusts the cuts, the materials and the colors… and his mother is developing the brand!”, can we read on the merchant website.

From its launch, the brand was a real success, so much so that Vianney was taken by surprise: “THANK YOU for your incredible welcome! Lots of parcels left today, but we didn’t expect to have to manage so many orders! Incredible adventure for our small team of novice logisticians,” he said.

Almost two years after the launch of its brand, Vianney continues to expand its offer and offer new products for its fans. On Instagram, this Monday, January 30, 2023, the father of the family thus shared a photo of the new sneakers which are available for purchase. “New shoes baby, new shoes my little sugar lambs” he captioned a photo showing the model, which is white with lots of colorful designs.


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