At the Fillon trial on appeal, the National Assembly again claims a little more than a million euros

The Assembly intends to demand “the recovery of the sums which have been subtracted from its budget” if the disputed posts as parliamentary assistant to Pénélope Fillon were deemed to be fictitious.

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At the appeal of the Fillon couple, the National Assembly demanded Wednesday, November 24, the reimbursement of a little more than one million euros if the disputed jobs of parliamentary assistant of Pénélope Fillon were judged fictitious. The only civil party before the Paris Court of Appeal, the Assembly simply intends to ask “the recovery of the sums which have been subtracted from its budget” if the court of appeal considers that there has been “embezzlement”, summed up his lawyer, Me Yves Claisse. “The constitution of civil party of the National Assembly is not an act of revenge”, corn “a technical presence inspired by the protection of public funds”, he insisted.

In case of conviction, the Assembly asked the three defendants to reimburse a total of 1,081,219 euros, said his colleague Me Ali Derrouiche. The institution had requested and obtained this same sum during the judgment rendered by the criminal court in June 2020. It corresponds to the remuneration received by Pénélope Fillon between 1998 and 2013 increased by employee and employer contributions: 401,230 euros for the period when she had an assistant contract with her husband and 679,989 euros for the one where she collaborated with the former deputy of François Fillon who became a deputy, Marc Joulaud. The indictment of the national financial prosecutor’s office is expected Monday.

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