at the end of the line, caregivers are demonstrating all over France




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Caregivers denounce the emergency in which the public hospital is located. They demonstrated Saturday, December 4 everywhere in France. In angry and tired, they are asking for more resources, arms and recognition of their work at her just value.

The caregivers, who demonstrated across France on Saturday, December 4, are all asking for better working conditions. In October, the scientific council amounted to 20% the number of closed beds in French hospitals, more than 5,700. At the same time, the French Hospital Federation reports an absenteeism rate of 10% health personnel and 2 to 5% vacancies in hospitals. A lack of beds, arms and emergencies saturatedes.

Faced with this situation, caregivers claim a staff adapted to the number of patients, an upgrading of night guards and an increase in 10% of their salaries. They also deplore a permanent demand for profitability. Healthcare workers are also faced with the rapid evolution of Covid-19 with the arrival of the Omicron variant. In recent days, many hospitals have launched the white plan. A new mobilization is planned for next Tuesday and Saturday.


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