at the Ehpad Lille des Bateliers, postcards to embellish the summer




Article written by

M.-N.Grimaldi, C.Blankar, A.Thoron, E.Charles – France 3

France Televisions

Receiving a postcard is always a pleasure, and it’s not the residents of thenursing home “Les Bateliers” from Lille, in the North, who will tell you the opposite. The management of the establishment asked strangers to send postcards to the residents from their vacation spot.

Already forty postcards in one month, from France and elsewhere. These messages were sent by unknown persons to residents of thenursing home “The Boatmen” of Lille (North). Mary Magdalene moutiezan 84-year-old resident, is delighted with the initiative: “It’s very delicate, and the courage to fill in the card and all that, it’s very nice. A geographic journey, but also a journey through memories. Reading a map, Yvonne, a resident, recalls her first plane ride.

The host of thenursing home also takes the opportunity to exercise the memory of its residents, by asking them to place the postcards on a map of France according to the place from which they were sent. “What it brings to residents is a lot, and maybe even a lot more than what people can think of bringing”explains Noémie Marie, host of thenursing home. The operation cards postal, relayed on social networks, hit the mark. Chantal and Robert, on vacation in Lille, wanted to participate. A nice surprise to come for the residents of thenursing home.

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