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Despite soaring prices, baking remains a profession with a future. There were more bakery openings than closings in 2022. It is also an integration job. At the Douai remand prison, prisoners learn to knead and bake fresh bread.
Baguettes are ready to be baked in a very classic bakery, except that this one is located in the heart of the Douai remand center (North). Eight inmates work there every morning to bring out fresh bread. “I’d rather be here than in the cell. It brings us well-being to make something”says an inmate. The apprentices are supported by a trainer who gives them the basics of the trade.
1,200 baguettes produced
After 200 hours of training, they will even receive a professional qualification certificate as a baker’s assistant. “It’s a satisfaction for me already when I see that they all have their diploma”comments Cédric Delhaie, trainer. The 500 inmates of the prison thus receive fresh bread every day, fresh from the workshop. In all, 1,200 baguettes are produced. One of the graduates then became a permanent baker on Reunion Island.