at the Cannes Film Festival, the actress answers an important question and talks about a “special relationship”

Present at the Cannes Film Festival to attend the screening of several films, Marion Cotillard obviously climbed the steps on the occasion of the premiere of “Little Blue Girl”. A film in which she plays a mother… And not just any mother since it is the mother of the director who signs this feature film Mona Achache.

A docu-fiction that the main actress therefore came to defend on the Croisette… And on this occasion, the wife of Guillaume Canet agreed to answer a few questions from our colleagues from Raw.

An interview during which the essential interpreter of Edith Piaf in “La Môme” answered an interesting question about motherhood. To know : “Did having children in real life help you for this film or others to interpret the role of mom in the cinema? “.

See also: Guillaume Canet: What Philippe Lacheau has just inflicted on him!

Her role as a mother evoked

A question to which she answered frankly: “I don’t know if necessarily an actor needs to experience things that have been experienced by a character. Certainly, being a mom connects me to this special relationship you have with your children. But I don’t know if you really need to die to play death.” she said.

And to add: “I am an actress, I am a woman, I am a human being. And connecting to all that is maybe going beyond the roles and what is expected of someone”.

Then, concerning this powerful and intimate role that she embodies in “Little Blue Girl”, Marion Cotillard declared: “What I find very strong and marvelous with this project and then with cinema in general. It is that we can give a body and a voice to someone who has not been seen and heard and who has suffered deeply from it..

A film halfway between documentary and fiction, in which the director tries to unlock the secrets that remain after the disappearance of her mother played by the Oscar-winning actress. A film to discover soon in theaters…


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