At the Calvados academic inspection, tongues loosen and denounce a deleterious climate

It is a document”despicable, degrading and defamatory“. The words ofArmelle Fellahithe DASEN (Academic director of the national education services) of Calvados are strong, powerful, up to the emotional shock experienced by the inspectors of the primary schools of the department when they discovered the PowerPoint mocking them and comparing them to dogs of various breeds.

However, for the main victims of this “bestiary”, communication from the hierarchy comes late, much too late. “I inadvertently learned of the existence of this document in June 2021. I was shown it and told me that it should not be broadcast“, relates an inspector who wished to remain anonymous. My arms fell off. We were completely bowled over. There are people it affected to the point of falling ill. Today, four inspectors out of the 13 in the department are in “service accident”, two of them are on sick leave.

The reign of “defiance, malevolence and psychological abuse”

According to our information, this sordid document was produced at least two and a half years ago. Officially, the first report to the rector was made in September 2021. In accordance with Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, she complied with bringing the problem to the attention of the courts. However, more than a year later, no perpetrator has been found, no sanction has been taken.

That revolts me, the management team turned a blind eye! Everyone was aware and no one moved!_”, denounces a source at the academic inspection, for whom the “bestiary” is only “the tip of the iceberg“. In reality, there has been a deleterious climate in the service for several years. The main interested parties evoke “defiance, malevolence, contempt, humiliation and psychological abuseof the hierarchy in place at the time.

A document that resonates beyond the academic inspection services

At the time of this writing, the Academic Director of the services mainly incriminated has been transferred to another department. His deputy at the time has been on sick leave since April. Other members of the management are still in place. For the moment, we cannot say with certainty that the “despicable” document emanates from one of these people. Two investigations are in progress. One, led by the police, is ordered by the Public Prosecutor. The other, internal, carried out by the General Inspectorate of Services of the Ministry of National Education.

Waiting, “unease is everywhere” describe Patrick Roumagnacsecretary general of the Sien-Unsa union, who alerted the Ministry at the beginning of the summer. It’s very destabilizing for everyone, not just for the inspectors. For the whole educational sphere, it is a document that poses a real problem. There are personal attacks, sexist attacks, it’s unacceptable!“, he continues, denouncing the fact that many school principals, teachers and elected officials have ended up receiving it.

The union representative hopes that the original author will denounce himself. “If that person had the guts to say, ‘I did that stupid thing, I’m deeply mortified, and I apologize’. But he strongly doubts this outcome. If the document continues to circulate, it is because someone must experience pleasure in it“.

Pending the results of the various investigations, the first degree national education inspectors continue to do their work in Calvados. And this, despite theinevitably tarnished credibility” from which they now suffer.

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