At the assizes of the Gironde, a woman accused of infanticide

I never had a child“said the accused when she arrived, in tears, before the Gironde Court of Assizes on Monday. She is accused of drowning her seven-year-old daughter in March 2018. Since then, this 28-year-old mother has been incarcerated. She had several stays in a psychiatric hospital. On the day of the tragedy, she admitted the facts. The trial must make it possible to understand what pushed this mother of 3 children to commit this crime. Her daughter’s father-in-law and her grandfather are civil parties.

The court returned to the day of the tragedy. This morning in March 2018, before bringing the children to school, the mother of the family ran a bath, according to her, to clean her son who put yogurt in his hair during breakfast. But at that time she does not find her 7-year-old daughter in the Bordeaux apartment, and looks for her. During her auditions she explains that she finds her fully clothed in the bathtub. And that by a fit of anger she keeps her head in the water, for several minutes and drown her. She explains that it was when she saw her daughter struggling in the water that she became aware of her actions, then called her companion and the firefighters. Firefighters to whom she would have said: Nobody will forgive me, I was conscious I don’t know why, I didn’t want to come to this “.

An unstable personality

It is a woman with a personality that seems unstable who appeared in court on Monday. She appears flanked by two doctors, and is delirious. She explains that a woman told her usurped his identity and that she never had children. Her job would be to be a medium. She even offers the President of the court to read her mind. During their expertise, the doctors did not however find any pathology. His personality is described as “immature and contradictory“. For example, the accused could decide to go on vacation for 15 days in Africa with one of her lovers, leaving her two daughters and her son to her companion. While being obsessed with her image as a mother. Her fear was that custody of her children is taken away from her.Experts speak of a culturally limited and self-centered woman.

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