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Stéphane Ransou is a condominium manager. In his family, it is customary to talk politics at the table, where everyone can express their own ideas and choose their favorite candidate without this affecting relations.
“I am interested in politics, all the more so with the Covid. I have liked to discuss this for a few years, especially with my family”, explains Stéphane Ransou. For this 46-year-old condominium manager who lives in Castelnau-le-Lez (Hérault), politics is a family affair. “I give opinions, like my wife and we let the children choose”he underlines, specifying that Flavie, one of his daughters, will vote this year. “Obviously, I tell myself that every vote counts, after that I don’t really know who to vote for”she says. “We talk about the different ideas depending on the candidates. The fact that some have ideas and others don’t and we compare the candidates”explains his brother.
What can convince Stéphane to think that a candidate has the qualities required to be President of the Republic? “Not to be disconnected and to know what the reality of the French is. The hardness of purchasing power, to find a job”considers Stephanie, his wife. “I am quite liberal at the base. But I think that there is a lack of values of humanity”retorts Stephane. “I think we need to test a form of universal income. An inheritance in the form of an income, which allows those who are on the limit of having to continue to work to study, to be able to cross the threshold. In terms of financing , we can find it one way or another”he continues.
Another recurring campaign theme is immigration. “I believe that openness to other cultures is a source of wealth. This culture of fear of foreigners, fueled in part by the media, creates this anxiety-provoking climate which makes the far right gain power. We cannot not welcome all the misery of the world but there must be a minimum of solidarity”, said Stephanie. But according to her husband, the most important campaign issue is the future of children: “With the Covid, we saw students suffer in terms of food and their income. It was very hard”.
” My voice account is a series of reports that give citizens a voice. The franceinfo channel 27 reporting teams crisscrossed the territories to meet the French people in order to question them about their concerns and expectations vis-à-vis politics and in particular presidential candidates.