“At some point, we will have to return to the negotiating table,” said Emmanuel Macron on the sidelines of COP27

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A few hours after speaking at the climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh on Monday, November 7, Emmanuel Macron spoke, among other things, on the war in Ukraine during a press conference on the sidelines of the summit. “We support Ukraine”, he recalled, while adding that“at some point, we will have to return to the negotiating table”. This time should be “chosen by Ukraine”he specified. Follow our live.

The city of Kherson still deprived of water and electricity. After two strikes, for which Russians and Ukrainians blame each other, the city of Kherson, in southern Ukraine, still occupied by the Russian army, remained without electricity and water on Monday. This is the first known power and water cut in Kherson, where the Ukrainian army is trying to cause heavy damage to the Russian army.

The Kakhovka dam “damaged”. 60 km as the crow flies from Kherson, the Kakhovka hydroelectric dam was targeted by Ukrainian missile fire, according to the Russian occupation authorities. According to Russian agencies, six missiles were launched, five were shot down by Russian anti-aircraft defenses and “one touched the sluice of the dam”. Kyiv and Moscow accuse each other of endangering the lives of “thousands” of inhabitants.

New cuts expected today. More than 4.5 million Ukrainians were without electricity on Sunday evening, most of them in Kyiv and its region, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky explained in his daily address, acknowledging a situation “very difficult”. The Ukrenergo company still plans rotating cuts from 6 am until evening. “Consumption should be reduced by 30%”she explained.

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