At My Piano, Brian Wilson

Brian Wilson all alone. Who plays his songs on the piano. Only this and all that: the exquisite beauty of his celebrated melodies, initially intended, for the most part, for his Beach Boys. Sixty years later Surfin ‘, Brian finds his best friend at the piano. Way of talking. Not the Wilson’s upright piano, though. In the studio of Darian Sahanaja, his most precious ally of the last twenty years, a Yamaha resonates under the fingers of the gentle man. Who does what he has always done: build. Piano track after piano track, the songs take shape: there are no voices in harmonic interlacing nor fabulous instrumentation, and yet, In My Room (1963) to Love and mercy (1998), you hear a myriad of wonderful sounds, like Brian in his head. Even the most complex and magical scaffolding of the period Pet Sounds / SMiLE (1966-1967) need nothing but Brian, his flawless musical memory, his extreme sensitivity. His pure genius. This record is the best proof.

At My Piano



Brian Wilson, Universal

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