at Matignon at the start of the week, the unions will be able to address “all the subjects they wish”, assures the entourage of the Prime Minister

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10:27 : Unions received by Elisabeth Borne next week will be able to to land “all the subjects they want”, assures franceinfo the entourage of the Prime Minister. Just like Laurent Berger, the number 1 of the CFTC, Cyril Chabanier, told us this morning of his intention to go there “only to talk about retirement. Several ministers have said in recent hours that the postponement of the legal age of departure was not negotiable.

10:20 a.m. : Towards a rebound at the CGT congress? Olivier Mateu, head of the Bouches-du-Rhône federation and declared candidate for the succession of Philippe Martinez, proposes on Twitter an alliance with Céline Verzeletti, who did not declare herself but is the favorite of the opponents to the current line of the union, represented by Marie Buisson. The very media Olivier Mateu, whose observers believe that he has little chance of being appointed alone, imagines sharing with Céline Verzeletti two positions of co-leaders of the CGT.

10:07 : The CGT announced yesterday the end of the renewable strike of the garbage collectors in Paris, but the actions continue nevertheless: about thirty demonstrators filter the access to the waste incinerator of Issy-les-Moulineaux, in the south of Paris, reports an AFP journalist on site.

09:42 : “The text is behind us”also says Renaissance MP Sylvain Maillard on franceinfo. “Parliament has spoken, now there are other things” to discuss with the unions, he believes: “The sharing of value, working conditions, the meaning of work, working better…”

10:05 a.m. : The Minister for Relations with Parliament also mentioned on Public Senate the invitation of the inter-union by Elisabeth Borne at the beginning of next week. For Franck Riester, the postponement of the starting age will not be on the table: “In life, there are moments, you have to know how to recognize that there are also subjects [sur lesquels] we don’t agree”he estimated, wishing that the exchange be organized around “subjects on which we agree”.

09:10 : Will the CGT go to this meeting with Elisabeth Borne? It is not yet known who will succeed its leader Philippe Martinez and the line of the latter was put in a minority at the union congress, against a background in particular of criticism of his strategy of alliance with the CFDT. “I do not want to interfere in the CGT congress”comments Laurent Berger. “What I know is that one cannot have asked for weeks to be received (…) and not go there when the space is open.”

08:46 : “You can imagine that while we are in a moment of very strong protest in the country on this pension reform, the representatives of the trade unions of this country are not going to discuss with the Prime Minister anything else.

Invited by Elisabeth Borne early next week, “we are going to discuss pensions” And “from an exit door”, says the boss of the CFDT. In the message sent by the intersyndicale, “ithere is nothing written in terms of content”he says.

08:42 : Laurent Berger, the secretary general of the CFDT, is on franceinfo the day after the 10th day of mobilization against the pension reform. He estimates the participation throughout France “between 1.3 and 1.5 million” (this is less than the estimate of the CGT but more than the count of the Ministry of the Interior). Mobilizations have always “strong times and weaker times”he believes, explaining the date of the next day of mobilization, April 6, by the need of the demonstrators to “blow”.

08:35 : [Une médiation] is difficult to imagine in concrete terms. (…) Who do we choose? Nicholas Sarkozy? Francois Bayrou? Or Jean-Dominique Senard, or many others…”

The mediation proposal, launched by the unions and supported by the MoDem deputies, leaves Roland Lescure perplexedfor whom this idea would only “move the problem”. “The only legitimate ones to exchange are the Prime Minister, the government and ultimately the President of the Republic, on the one hand, and Parliament and the union representatives on the other”he hammers.

08:16 : There is bound to be a conversation about pensions.” during the meeting between the inter-union and Elisabeth Borne, estimates the Minister of Industry, Roland Lescure, questioned on France Inter. But he does not envisage that it will move the lines. “The question today is that when we agree to disagree on a subject, are we able to talk about something else or not?”he insists.

08:16 : “Any helping hand is welcome and must be considered”argues François Bayrou on France 2, without explicitly calling for mediation as the deputies of his party did yesterday. But the boss of the Modem especially envisages a discussion between the unions and the majority on “the very large number of points that remain to be examined”which seems to exclude from the negotiations the postponement of the legal retirement age to 64 years.

08:09 : “I think it was a method, the referendum. (…) But today, all of this has been initiated, acted upon, has come to the National Assembly under the conditions that you know, before the Senate, with very numerous demonstrations… We cannot change the line at this point”.

How to get out of social conflict? On France 2, François Bayrou judges that it is too late to decide to submit the pension reform to a referendum, but also to a withdrawal of the text: “Examples of executive power that have withdrawn a text have never been favorable subsequently”.

08:03 : Finally, two dailies highlight this morning the rejuvenation of the processions, in particular since the government’s recourse to 49.3. Release gives the floor to six young demonstrators, whose words suggest an unease that “goes far beyond pension reform” : “I have a somewhat pessimistic vision of my future. I don’t really see a future where there could be social progress”regrets Olivia, a high school student interviewed by the newspaper in Rouen yesterday.

07:59 : Whether The Parisian still sucks “the stalemate”, part of the press remembers yesterday the opening represented by the announcement of a meeting between Elisabeth Borne and the inter-union next week. CFDT boss Laurent Berger continues to defend the idea of ​​mediation, this time in an interview with Humanity.

07:56 : The clashes and degradations which nevertheless accompanied some of the demonstrations make the front page of part of the press, and other titles evoke a weariness which wins certain people affected by the processions and the strikes, “even among those who support the movement”ensures The union.

07:53 : Other dailies insist on the contrary on the decline in attendance compared to the previous day of mobilization, although it remains stronger than before the use of 49.3. For The echoes, “the head of state is counting on a breathlessness of the movement”. “The deployment of a muscular device showered the dreams of a ‘big night’estimated Le Figarowho observes that the violence was less severe than some feared.

07:53 : The day after the 10th day of demonstrations against the pension reform, all the press puts the processions in one, but the interpretations differ. Some newspapers retain the persistence of the movement, especially in Clermont-Ferrand, where the demonstrations coincided with the CGT congress.

07:31 : The CFDT announced last night that the inter-union had been invited by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne early next week. On franceinfo, MoDem deputy Philippe Vigier was “happy” of this meeting, which should allow “put everything on the table and discuss this pension reform”. His group is favourable, he recalled, to the organization of mediation between the unions and the government, which the inter-union proposes but which the government excludes.

07:28 : The protest movement against the pension reform continues, particularly in refineries and fuel depots, and this is not without consequences in service stations, as you may have noticed. In some departments, more than half of the stations are out of at least one fuel. Our journalist Brice Le Borgne offers you a map to follow these difficulties.


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