“At least at school, there is a counter-discourse”, nuances former judge Marc Trevidic

The former anti-terrorism judge warns of family influence in the radicalization process.

“Today, radicalization is in the family environment”, alerted former anti-terrorist judge Marc Trévidic, guest on 8:30 am franceinfo on Wednesday November 1. Minister of Education Gabriel Attal announced “work on measurements” to do “to go out” radicalized students in schools. An announcement made after the Arras attack, which cost the life of Professor Dominique Bernard.

“If we start removing students because there are signs of radicalization, we are not going to solve the problem” And “we will return them to their family which is generally the source of their radicalization”estimated Marc Trévidic. “At least at school, there is a counter-discourse”, continued the president of the chamber at the Versailles Court of Appeal. The former anti-terrorism judge is more reserved after the announcements by the Minister of Education who intends to place radicalized students in “specialized structures”.

The risk of “family” radicalization

For the former anti-terrorism judge, family influence is undeniable in the radicalization process. “We have to see if we should leave them with their family,” he declared, citing the case of the Arras attack committed by a young radicalized individual whose older brother was convicted of terrorist conspiracy, or of Mohammed Merah, who in March 2012 killed three soldiers and four people, including three children in a Jewish school in Toulouse, whose radicalization was “family”. “It’s a bit like Obelix, there are some who fell in when they were little.”, he estimated. “It’s deeper than a sect because it’s the parents.”he continued. “If you are born into a very radicalized family which advocates radical Islam, which says that we must kill all unbelievers, that we must not respect French law, that there is only sharia, the Koran , how do you want to make him a citizen who will live harmoniously in France?”he stressed.

“It is not the same to be born, to have been raised in a completely radical culture, and to be a young man who is radicalized at the age of 17 by an external environment other than family.”

Marc Trévidic, former anti-terrorism judge

on franceinfo

According to Marc Trévidic, to avoid the radicalization of a child growing up in a home of religious extremism, they must be removed. “A children’s judge can place a child, remove him from his family because he considers that he is in danger”he recalled. “I believe that at a certain level of radical discourse in the family calling for hatred, violence, we will train a child to be completely opposed to this French society (…) therefore it is a child in danger “, he assured. With “very radicalized parents who say that we must kill unbelievers, you understand that in France that cannot work”did he declare. “At this level, we must remove the children, place them, so that they have an education that is not extremist”, he judged. The expert recognizes a solution “very hard”, “very complicated” but “the right exists”he stressed. “We have to place them in foster families, in homes, but the homes themselves are not impervious to radicalization, it’s not that simple”he admitted.

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