at least a month and a half of absence for Thibault Debaes

The final stage of the French rugby sevens championship at Section Paloise. Hubert Texier broke a bone in his hand, Mathias Colombet came out concussed while Thomas Carol and Paul Auradou were both hit in the ankle. Most serious injury hits young opener Thibault Debaes. Geoffrey Lanne-Petit, manager of the Béarnais at Supersevens and coach of the attack of the Section Paloise, announcement this Monday evening on France Bleu Béarn Bigorre that he suffers “a meniscal lesion. He should be unavailable for at least a month and a half.

About eight weeks of absence

Guest of 100% Clubs this Monday evening, Geoffrey Lanne-Petit took stock of this injury: “Knowing his young age (he will be celebrating his 20th birthday in a week, Editor’s note), the surgeon decided to make the best decision for his future and the rest of his career. His absence will therefore be a little longer, for rehabilitation and then his recovery. I am not in the medical profession, not a specialist and simply at the end of the chain, we expect a good month and a half to two months of absence“.

In this position, the Section Paloise can obviously count on Antoine Hastoy and the Englishman Zack Henry, but also the Australian Mike Harris, never so close to a return to training.

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