at least 74 dead in fighting in Darfur, doctors’ union says

The truce has almost never been respected between the army and the paramilitaries.

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Wounded in a hospital in El Fasher, in the Darfur region (Sudan), on April 19, 2023. (ALI SHUKUR / MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES / AFP)

At least 74 people were killed Monday and Tuesday in El-Geneina, capital of West Darfur in Sudan, according to a provisional report established Friday, April 28 by the union of Sudanese doctors. “We cannot yet establish a balance sheet for April 26 and 27, because all the hospitals in the city are now out of service”says the union.

Fighting in Sudan continues Friday in Khartoum and especially in this region of Darfur, despite an extension of the truce concluded between the army and the paramilitaries engaged in a war which has left more than 500 dead in nearly two weeks. Some 50,000 children “suffering from acute malnutrition” are deprived of food aid in Darfur, warns the UN, which has suspended its activities there after the death of five humanitarian workers.

Little information is filtering from this region, where a civil war started in 2003 between the regime of Omar al-Bashir, toppled in 2019, and insurgents from ethnic minorities left around 300,000 dead and nearly 2.5 million displaced, according to the UN.

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