Three days after the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine, associations, unions and political parties in Clermont called for mobilization this Saturday, February 26. A rally for peace that brought together at least 200 people in front of the Prefecture of Clermont-Ferrand. “We come to gather en masse for peace. We don’t want military force to always be the first solution. We always want to show that we are the strongest. But in the end it’s always the people who win”deplores Nicole, a Clermontoise.
“I am here to say no to war. To show my solidarity with the Ukrainian people. I am worried for them because they are very much alone”, says Estelle, a Clermont resident. The organizers call for solidarity with the Ukrainian people, but also with the Russian people, part of which is opposed to this war. “I am worried about the Ukrainian people. This rally is symbolic, but we must show our support. Europe must unite against Putin. I am shocked because I lived not far away, in Poland”testifies Richard, Clermontois originally from England.
– Thomas Loret
A conflict that concerns us too
Moreover, the demonstrators are worried about the consequences for France of this war in Ukraine. Indeed, the possible blockages implemented by Vladimir Putin could be felt even at home, in particular by the increase in the prices of gas, electricity, fuel and wheat.