Hail struck northern Franche-Comté this Sunday, June 26, between 10:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. Among the places most impacted: the town of Offemont where damage is to be deplored at the leisure center, at the club house, or even on the building of La Poste. In Belfort, the Jean-Jaurès district pays the heaviest pricein particular at municipal greenhouses where the breakage will cost, at least, 200,000 euros.
“More than 2,000 greenhouse windows are broken”explains Vincent Schumacher, the director of services for the town hall of Belfort, who recalls the damage already suffered in 2019 : “There it is worse. At the time, there had been for 200,000 euros”. In the rue des Carrières, where the City’s greenhouses are located, it is impossible to enter the greenhouses because the windows are still at risk of falling. The automatic watering, some electrical connections, and the curtains were partly sheared by the hail.
– Clemence Gourdon Negrini
It remains to be seen whether the repairs will be able to be done quickly. The maintenance company has already been contacted to secure the premises this Wednesday, June 29. The rest will depend “window manufacturing time and inventory”explains Vincent Schumacher, who hopes that “It will be a settled matter within a month”.