at La Chapelle-Janson near Fougères, all fans of Eduardo Camavinga

Impossible to miss: when arriving at the synthetic pitch of Chapelle-Janson, which hosts the CF2L club (La Chapelle-Janson, Fleurigné, Laignelet, Le Loroux), we immediately come across a life-size portrait of Eduardo Camavinga placed on a marble slab.

Here, we are at the Eduardo Camavinga intermunicipal land” slips Nicolas Martinais, educator at CF2L. At 19, the Real Madrid nugget already has a pitch in his name. And it is largely due to Nicolas Martinais, who was one of the first educators of Camavinga, at the time at the Drapeau de Fougères. “He came to sponsor the site last June with his whole family.” specifies the one who has become a friend of the Camavinga. “He’s a great role model and a great godfather, because he’s sunny, he always smiles. Off the field we don’t hear bad things about him. He’s always affordable, he’s classy.”

All Camavinga fans

Until his departure for Madrid, the midfielder regularly came around the railings of the pitch which now bears his name: “He often came on Wednesday mornings because his little brother was playing at our house, so he accompanied him, remembers Nicolas Martinais. It even happened that one Saturday morning he called me to tell me that he was available and that he wanted to come and coach his brother’s team in a tournament that we were organizing. There were other clubs present, all the kids have wonderful memories.“Out of the forty children who train, more than half wear a Camavinga jersey, Real Madrid, Stade Rennais or France team version.

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He did not take the big head, he knows where he comes from, he still has his head on his shoulders. – Manuela, mother of a young CF2L graduate

Here, almost everyone has already seen the former Stade Rennais player. And the opinions of the parents of young players are unanimous: “He’s a model for everyone, he’s someone who is humblereports Gildas. Even though now my son wants to play for Real Madrid and I have to explain to him that he still has a lot of work to do (laughs) having fun the father of the family. Manuela has the same speech: he’s a guy who is very simple, he came more than once, he played with the children, he gave them autographs… The kids were super happy! He doesn’t have a big head, we were able to approach him, talk to him, he still has his values, he didn’t take on a big head. He knows where he comes from and he has his head on his shoulders.

The children recorded a short video of support for the Real Madrid midfielder. All fans of Camavinga obviously, and they are following the Fougerais season very closely: “I think he will start as a substitute and he will come in during the game“says Pierre, who has apparently noticed the sensational entries of Eduardo Camavinga since the start of the Madrid Champions League campaign.

His former coach not so surprised to see Eduardo Camavinga in the Champions League final

For Nicolas Martinais, who will be at the Stade de France on Saturday evening, it is emotional to see Eduardo Camavinga play in a Champions League final so early in his career: “Everything goes at a speed for him… From the age of 5 to 19, he goes from a neighborhood football pitch to the Madeleine, to the Drapeau de Fougères, to the Champions League final at the Stade de France with the biggest club in the world. In addition, his performances are excellent, he’s proud and I’m happy for him because he deserves it. I’m not surprised by his performance, even if his progression in physical impact surprises me. He still has more playing time than I thought when he left.And to conclude:Everything works for him!

A perfect summary of Eduardo Camavinga’s daydream since his first pro match at 16 at Stade Rennais.

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