at its National Council, the Renaissance party wants to “go to a new stage” after the promulgation of the law

Before the National Council of the presidential Renaissance party, the Prime Minister assured Saturday that the government was “determined to further accelerate” the pace of reforms while that of pensions was adopted.

The Prime Minister spoke for the first time since the partial validation of the pension reform by the Constitutional Council, followed by its promulgation by the President of the Republic. Elisabeth Borne assured to be determined “to speed up” the reforms after that of pensions, during a speech delivered before the National Council of the Renaissance party, Saturday, April 15 in Paris.

>> Pension reform: what will happen after the promulgation of the law?

Two days before Emmanuel Macron’s speech, the Renaissance party set itself the mission of feeding the government’s project for the future. For this, it brings together the 400 members of its internal parliament for its National Council. An afternoon of reflection where the president of the party Stéphane Séjourné begins with a cuddle therapy session and salutes the investment of these activists and elected officials. He knows that the past few weeks have been tense against the backdrop of pension reform. But the general atmosphere is not one of gloom.

“The only pitfall is immobility”

Invited on stage, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, shows his satisfaction: “It is an important day, the pension reform has been adopted. It has been validated by the Constitutional Council. It has been promulgated by the President of the Republic. against those who challenge the legitimacy of the Constitutional Council and our institutions. He asks the activists present to defend this record, to hear the concerns of the street and to look to the future.

“Project the country over several years and over several decades. In the field that is mine. We want full employment, work for all. This must remain our objective and we will get there in 2027.”

Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy

The future is also the main theme chosen by the Minister of Labour, Olivier Dussopt: “The only pitfall is immobility. It is to consider that because things are difficult, that nothing should be done or waited. First, if we wait for the deficits we will not wait And then, above all, the victims of immobility are the most fragile, if we don’t do anything for school, if we don’t do anything for health, if we don’t do anything for work again.”

Tax justice as a “new stage”?

The Minister of Labor cites the sharing of value or even a better organization of work. Crossed at the bend of an alley of this National Council. Gabriel Attal, Minister in charge of Public Accounts, does not want to dwell on the past either. It’s necessary “especially now to go to a new stage, that’s what matters to meexplains the minister.

“Today there are middle-class French people who work and who feel that they do not always have enough for their work or their taxes. These French people want to be able to live with dignity and access public service. I am Minister of the Budget, so I look at what the taxpayers are telling us.”

Gabriel Attal, Minister in charge of Public Accounts

“Tax justice”, a refrain also sung by the leader of the deputies Aurore Bergé. So many clues about the government’s future priorities.

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