At home or at work, the French are divided



Video length: 2 min

Legislative elections 2024: in family or at work, the French are divided
2024 Legislative Elections: At Family or at Work, the French Are Divided
(France 2)

The issue of the legislative election is at the heart of all discussions with family, friends or at the office. From time to time, conversations get heated as the first round of elections quickly approaches.

To go or not to the polls to choose which candidate, which party. Three days before the vote, the French are divided. In Bourgoin-Jallieu (Isère), a family debates about the National Rally’s score. “I understand why we vote for the RN because today we see a break between the left and the right”explains a man. A member of his family retorts that “If people are fed up, they can vote blank!”. This hairdresser is going to vote for the New Popular Front, seduced by the promise of an increase in the minimum wage. Unconvinced, his father does not know if he will vote on Sunday June 30.

The campaign for the legislative elections is an ever-present subject in the family. Is this the case at work? When questioned, employees in the social sector say that “don’t talk too much about [leurs] notice”. But very quickly, an opposition of points of view emerged on the question of extremes. “I think you always have to be nuanced”says a woman. A colleague, who says she is open to her opinion, knows that she will not vote RN. There are three days left for the 49 million voters called to the polls to make their choice.

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