“At first, she was white then…”, Charles des “Ch’tis” reconverted into the world of X, his resounding confidences about his daughter!

We had already had the right to Laly, ex-candidate of the first season of Secret Story, who converted to porn a few months after leaving the house of secrets. Now it’s Amandine Pellissard, known for her time in Large families, life in XXL on TF1, which follows the same path. As well as Charles Vassal, ex-candidate of Ch’tiswho would have agreed to shoot a pornographic scene with the couple who have been causing controversy for a few weeks.

Indeed, the Pellissard clan has announced that they will convert to X after their departure from the program of TF1 announced on October 26, 2022. If, so far, the couple sharing content on the MYM platform has not been a problem, things have changed recently. Especially when Jeremstar unveiled the “behind the scenes” of the creation of their content on Friday January 27, 2023. A report that aroused the indignation of TPMP columnists. Géraldine Maillet and Raymond Aabou did not hesitate to express their concerns. In particular for the education of the children of Amandine Pellissard and Alexandre. Some fear that their offspring will be the victim of harassment at school because of their parents’ new “job”.

But the chroniclers will soon have grain to grind again. Indeed, this Monday, February 6, Jean-Marc Morandini announced that the couple was going to shoot their first porn scene for Jacquie and Michel, with Charles Vassal, the ex-candidate of the Ch’tis also converted into the middle. The one whose job is a DJ has also completely abandoned reality TV. Especially since five years ago, he became a dad and takes care of his wonder who turned his life upside down. A girl named Eléanore who is actually… not his.

It was only after three months that the young man asked himself questions. Asked about his new life as a dad by Jeremstar, on November 21, 2021, he indeed confided: “At first she was white when she was born. She stayed white for three months and the pigmentation started to come in. It’s a very very hard moment because you start to ask yourself questions”. Filled with doubts, Charles then decided to do a paternity test: This child was conceived with a client (his ex-girlfriend was an escort-girl: editor’s note). She confessed… I thought about killing myself. I drank alcohol when I woke up, because I needed to forget. I wanted to stop thinking, it was driving me crazy”. Despite this complicated moment, Charles is today filled with happiness and takes care of his wonder as if he were her father.


See also: Video: Jordan (les Anges9): look back on his romance with Gaëlle and Milla Jasmine!

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