at each hearing, its version

Daniel Aventur’s appeal trial in Pau opened on Monday. He is accused of the murder of his adoptive mother Dominique Aventur in May 2013 in Loucrup. At first instance, Daniel Aventur was sentenced to 18 years of criminal imprisonment. Last year this appeal trial was adjourned after revelations from the accused which implicated a third party. The additional investigation did not yield anything, and on the first day of this fourth trial Daniel Aventur has once again changed version. He denied everything altogether.

“I arrived at her place, she was not there”

“I’m being blamed for a crime I didn’t commit. Something Horrible. Daniel Aventur says today “I arrived at her place, she was not there”. He has no other explanation to give. While the previous trial had stopped on his words: He had told that a friend had killed his mother “accidentally”. That he knew where the body was buried. The trial has stopped. We went to do some searches on the spot. We didn’t find anything. At the hearing this Monday, he sweeps away these pseudo-revelations by saying that at that time, he said anything.

He didn’t kill his mother and doesn’t know anything else. “That’s what I’ve been saying from the start”, when precisely not. Daniel Aventur has only varied since the start of this affair. And we can already hear his narcissistic personality. Daniel Aventur sees himself as handsome in all circumstances, even when the president lists his “rich” criminal record of seven convictions. He remarked to the court: “from 7 to 17 years old, I never had a problem with the police”.

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