at Cannet, Valérie Pécresse was “more real” than at the Zénith de Paris, assures one of her spokespersons

Agnès Evren, MEP and spokesperson for Valérie Pécresse, has found the candidate for the Élysée of the Les Républicains party “much more natural, more authentic, more true” during his meeting in Cannet (Alpes-Maritimes), Friday evening, than during that at the Zénith de Paris, Sunday, which earned him many criticisms, both in substance and in form. “I thought of this phrase from Nietzsche, ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger'”she assured, this Saturday on franceinfo.

At the Zénith, Valérie Pécresse, alone on stage and behind a transparent desk, “lacks a bit of natural spontaneity”recognized Agnès Evren. “She said it herself, the meeting is not her favorite exercise”, she added. To hear it, “when she is in a register of conversation, without a teleprompter, natural, without notes, she shows her competence”.

Friday evening, Valérie Pécresse did not mention the conspiratorial concept of “great replacement”, dear to the extreme right, as it did on Sunday. According to Agnès Evren, the one who wears the colors of LR in the presidential election has, on the contrary, “disproved this theory”. “What she says is that it doesn’t matter whether you are white, black or mixed race, what matters is the love of France and the sharing of universal values”she assured, while refusing to speak of “backpedalling”.

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