at Balmoral, the homage of the Scots to their queen and neighbor

Since the announcement of the death of the sovereign, many people flock to the manor of Balmoral in Scotland. The royal family is still gathered there this Friday around the remains of Elizabeth II. The opportunity for his Scottish subjects to send him a message and to wonder about the future.

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The surroundings of Balmoral Castle, the favorite residence of Elizabeth II, in the middle of the Scottish countryside, are saturated with cars, Friday September 9. British citizens, anonymous Scots file past the gates leading to the mansion where the Queen spent her last hours, with two small bouquets that they place on the ground. The day after the announcement of the death of their sovereign, they submit words of gratitude, drawings.

>>> Death of Elizabeth II: what is Operation “Unicorn” which oversees the repatriation of the Queen’s body from Scotland?

Sam drove nearly 2.5 hours from the Edinburgh area to come, she said, to say goodbye to my queen. The death of Elizabeth II is a bit like the disappearance of a landmark, almost that of a member of her own family. And she wonders a lot about the new era that is opening up for the British monarchy: “My grandparents, my parents, myself, my son, we’ve only ever known her. It will be interesting to see how things develop.”

“It’s funny to see Charles become king. In any case, we will observe all this.”

Sam, resident of the Edinburgh area

at franceinfo

Prince Charles left his Balmoral Castle at midday with Queen Consort Camilla. The new king is eagerly awaited in London, to finalize the final details of his mother’s state funeral. He has a meeting with Prime Minister Liz Truss. His first sovereign speech, delivered this Friday evening, a short speech, was pre-recorded. He has already taken on his role, rejoices Mike: “The Queen stayed a long time, it is true, but she did not represent her own person. Her role was very important for all of the United Kingdom and for Scotland and King Charles is following in her footsteps.”

Charles III will return to Scotland as part of a tour of the nations that make up this United Kingdom. He will know, like his mother, hopes Mike, to preserve the unity of the kingdom.

The tribute of the Scots of Balmoral to their most illustrious neighbour: report by Sandrine Eota-Andegue

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