At Auchan, they leave with a full tank of gas for only… 2 euros!

We would never have thought that the price of fuel would exceed 2 euros per litre. It only took until 2022 and the war in Ukraine to see the unthinkable happen. It seems a long time ago when the Yellow Vests “fought” partly for the price of diesel which was far too expensive for the majority of French people when it was around 1.60 euros. Today, some consider the price of a full as a “fine” and this can be quite understandable when you know that the gasoline budget for a family can represent a large part of their savings.

This is why the inhabitants of the town of Buchelay, not far from Mantes-la-Jolie in the heart of Yvelines, had to spend a wonderful night going to the Auchan supermarket in their town to fill up their car. Indeed, according to our colleagues from Parisian, a computer bug allowed them to leave with a full tank for only… 2 euros! The problem coming from the functioning of the terminals which, of course, was very quickly repaired by a technician only half an hour later.

But in thirty minutes, many motorists were able to take advantage of this “offer” which was not one. So much so that the news quickly circulated on social networks in order to inform as many people as possible, creating a huge queue at the pump.“As we are in Mantes-la-Jolie, the news spread very quickly. People spread the word and many came to take advantage of it. Even three days later, everyone is only talking about that”, confided a witness of the scene. Let’s hope that a new error of this type occurs to “help” a maximum of citizens. However, with such a bug, gasoline pumps will undoubtedly be vigilant in the future and do everything to avoid such an error.

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