at a meeting in Marseille, Emmanuel Macron plays the ecological card


France 3

Article written by

A. Bourse, L. Bensimon, J.-L. Cesco, C. Beauvallet – France 3

France Televisions

The candidate Emmanuel Macron organized his big meeting between the two rounds, in Marseille, on Saturday April 16. He multiplied the foot calls to voters sensitive to ecology, in a city where Jean-Luc Mélenchon came first in the first round.

The teams of candidate Emmanuel Macron had taken care of the setting of his meeting, at the port of Marseille, on Saturday April 16. A postcard decor to set the course for ecology. In front of a few thousand people, without refueling, Emmanuel Macron speaks directly to youth and left-wing voters. “The policy that I will pursue in the next five years will be ecological or it will not be. My next Prime Minister will be directly in charge of ecological planning“, he assured. Ecological planning is a term borrowed from Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

The candidate also wants to go twice as fast to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also to multiply solar energy by ten. So many signals sent to environmentalists. To show that it is one of our priorities, of course, it was necessary”, says an activist present on the spot. It is important to recover votes on the left, certainly“, adds another. Immanuel Macron also criticized his opponent, Marine Le Pen. “Even incompetent, she is climatosceptic”he asserted.

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