at 94, she adopted!

Many would dream of having the form of Line Renaud at 94 years old. Indeed, despite her advanced age, the former Las Vegas star magazine leader is in great shape and never stops. Always very involved in a cause close to her heart, Sidaction, she remains aware despite everything that she is much closer to the end than the beginning. This is why, it is without taboo that she approaches the subject of death and, to believe her declarations for Evening Magon October 6, she would have already planned everything in the event of a hasty departure.

“At home everyone knows them. […] If one day I suffer too much, let them make me die”, she let go in all frankness about her arrangements for the day she would leave this world. Last August, she joined theAssociation for the Right to Die with Dignity and explained, in very strong words, what had pushed her to join her. “When there is no longer any quality of life, when we persist, it is better to leave. Let’s vote for a law of freedom…”she confided while she also indulged in a few confidences during her visit to the Angoulême Francophone Film Festival on the same subject: “I’m getting close to the moment… I have to think about it, I had a beautiful life, an extraordinary life and it will never be forgotten. Even when I’m gone”.

Tango, to accompany it

And if Line Renaud fights for the right to die with dignity, it is unfortunately because she had to face it when she lost her husband, but not only. “That of my husband, of my mother, of so many AIDS patients. The latest is that of the mother of a friend who has worked with me for a very long time”she recalls before specifying: “She had to endure excruciating pain that the current law could not relieve for a moment. As admirable as they are, the doctors were not able to prevent this ordeal and this woman did not recover. extinguished peacefully, with dignity, as she wished”.

Complicated moments that still haunt her. She will never forget them and fears living through such a situation. But it will not be alone that she will face them if this is the case. Indeed, at 94, Line Renaud has chosen to bring a new companion into her life who will swear to her, without a doubt, loyalty for eternity. An adorable Yorkshire terrier named Tango. “My friends, I present to you Tango, my new favourite!”she rejoiced on Twitter.

See also: Line Renaud is not happy …


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